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Most of my publications are also listed in the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and in my google scholar profile.

The publications are ordered by the following categories:

Journal Papers

  1. Principles and their Computational Consequences for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks.
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 79: 69-136 (2024) [paper]
  2. A claim-centric perspective on abstract argumentation semantics: Claim-defeat, principles, and expressiveness.
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 324: 104011 (2023) [ paper ]
  3. Expressiveness of SETAFs and Support-Free~ADFs under 3-valued Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Stefan Woltran
    Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33(3-4): 298-327 (2023) [ paper ]
  4. Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences
    Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    Argument & Computation 15(2): 161-189, 2024, pp. 161-189, 2024 [ paper ]
  5. The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 317: 103873 (2023) [ paper ]
  6. Recursion in Abstract Argumentation is Hard - On the Complexity of Semantics Based on Weak Admissibility.
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 741 (2022), Pages 1403-1447.
    [ paper ]
  7. Algorithms and Conditional Lower bounds for Planning Problems
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    Artificial Intelligence 297: 103499 (2021) [ paper ]
  8. Joint Attacks and Accrual in Argumentation Frameworks
    Antonis Bikakis, Andrea Cohen, Wolfgang Dvořák, Giorgos Flouris, Simon Parsons
    IFCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 8(6): 1437-1502, 2021
    [ FLAP Volume 8 -Issue 6 ]
  9. On the Different Types of Collective Attacks in Abstract Argumentation: Equivalence Results for SETAFs
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Journal Of Logic And Computation 30(5): 1063-1107 (2020) [ paper ]
  10. Complexity of Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-centric View
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 285: 103290 (2020) [ paper ]
  11. A General Notion of Equivalence for Abstract Argumentation
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 275 (1): 379-410 (2019), [paper]
  12. On the Expressive Power of Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Jorge Fandinno, Stefan Woltran
    Argument & Computation 10(2): 191-230 (2019) [ paper ]
  13. Computational Problems in Formal Argumentation and their Complexity
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Paul E. Dunne
    IFCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 4(8): 2557-2622, 2017
    [ FLAP Volume 4-Issue 6 ]
  14. Welfare Maximization with Friends-of-Friends Network Externalities
    Sayan Bhattacharya, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Martin Starnberger
    Theory of Computing Systems 61(4): 948-986 (2017)
    [ paper at SpringerLink (Open Access) ]
  15. On rejected arguments and implicit conflicts: The hidden power of argumentation semantics
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Christof Spanring, Hannes Strass, Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 241: Pages 244-284 (2016) [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  16. Comparing the Expressiveness of Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Christof Spanring
    Journal of Logic and Computation 27 (5): 1489-1521 (2017), available online (2016). [ paper]
  17. Maximizing a Submodular Function with Viability Constraints
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, and David P. Williamson
    Algorithmica 77(1): Pages 152-172 (2017)[ paper at Springer ]
  18. Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation
    Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, and Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 228: Pages 153-178 (2015) [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  19. On the Difference between Assumption-Based Argumentation and Abstract Argumentation
    Martin Caminada, Samy Sà, João Alcântara, and Wolfgang Dvořák
    IFCoLog Journal of Logic and its Applications 2(1):15-34 (2015).
  20. On the equivalence between logic programming semantics and argumentation semantics
    Martin Caminada, Samy Sà, João Alcântara, and Wolfgang Dvořák
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 58: 87-111 (2015). [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  21. Methods for Solving Reasoning Problems in Abstract Argumentation - A Survey
    Günther Charwat, Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah A. Gaggl, Johannes P. Wallner, and Stefan Woltran
    Artificial Intelligence 220(1): 28-63 (2015) [ paper at ScienceDirect (Open Access) ]
  22. Preferred Semantics as Socratic Discussion
    Martin Caminada, Wolfgang Dvořák, and Srdjan Vesic
    Journal of Logic and Computation 26(4): 1257-1292 (2016), available online (2014) [ paper ]
  23. Stage Semantics and the SCC-recursive Schema for Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl
    Journal of Logic and Computation 26(4): 1149-1202, (2016), available online (2014) [ paper ]
  24. Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    In Artificial Intelligence 206: 53-78 (2014) [ paper at ScienceDirect | System CEGARTIX ]
  25. Parametric Properties of Ideal Semantics
    Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák, and Stefan Woltran
    In Artificial Intelligence 202 (1): 1-28 (2013) [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  26. Towards Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Reinhard Pichler, and Stefan Woltran
    In Artificial Intelligence 186 (1): 1-37 (2012), [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  27. Augmenting Tractable Fragments of Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sebastian Ordyniak, and Stefan Szeider
    In Artificial Intelligence 186: 157-173 (2012). [ paper at ScienceDirect ]
  28. On the Intertranslatability of Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Stefan Woltran
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 41 (2011), Pages 445-475. [ paper ]
  29. Complexity of Semi-Stable and Stage Semantics in Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    Information Processing Letters 110(11) (2010), Pages 425-430. [ paper at ScienceDirect | preprint ]

Conference Papers / Posters

  1. Constrained Derivation in Assumption-Based Argumentation.
    Giovanni Buraglio, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    FoIKS 2024 [ paper ]
  2. Equipping Abstract Argumentation Solvers for Verifying Negative Results
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Stefan Woltran
    SAC 2024 762-769 [paper]
  3. Constrained Derivation in Assumption-Based Argumentation.
    Giovanni Buraglio, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    AI3 2023 [ paper ]
  4. Constrained Derivation in Assumption-Based Argumentation.
    Giovanni Buraglio, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    ACLAI 2023 [ paper]
  5. Sets Attacking Sets in Abstract Argumentation
    Yannis Dimopoulos, Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Anna Rapberger, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    NMR 2023 [ paper ]
  6. The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-Centric View Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    AAAI 2023 [ paper ]
  7. Deletion-Backdoors for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    SAFA 2022 [ paper ]
  8. Treewidth for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2022 [ paper ]
  9. Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences
    Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2022 [ paper ]
  10. Non-Admissibility in Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Tjitze Rienstra, Stefan Woltran. Leendert Van Der Torre
    COMMA 2022 [ paper ]
  11. How complex is the strong admissibility semantics for abstract dialectical frameworks?
    Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Wolfgang Dvořák, Rineke Verbrugge, Bart Verheij
    COMMA 2022 [ paper ]
  12. The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-Centric View
    Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    NMR 2022
  13. Rediscovering Argumentation Principles Utilizing Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    KR 2022 [paper]
  14. Tractable Abstract Argumentation via Backdoor-Treewidth
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Markus Hecher, Matthias König, Andre Schidler, Stefan Szeider, Stefan Woltran
    AAAI 2022
  15. ASPARTIX-V - A Solver for Argumentation Tasks Using ASP
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Anna Rapberger, Johannes P. Wallner, Stefan Woltran
    ASPOCP 2021
  16. A Reduct-Driven Study of Argumentation Frameworks With Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    NMR 2021
  17. Computational Complexity of Strong Admissibility for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
    Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Wolfgang Dvořák, Rineke Verbrugge, Bart Verheij
    NMR 2021
  18. On the Complexity of Preferred Semantics in Argumentation Frameworks with Bounded Cycle Length
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    KR 2021
  19. ASPARTIX-V21
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Johannes P. Wallner, Stefan Woltran
    ICCMA 2021 [ paper ]
  20. Symbolic Time and Space Tradeoffs for Probabilistic Verification
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    LICS 2021 [ paper ]
  21. Graph-Classes of Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    JELIA 2021
  22. The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
  23. Recursion in Abstract Argumentation is Hard - On the Complexity of Semantics Based on Weak Admissibility
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
  24. Labelling-based Algorithms for SETAFs
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Johannes P. Wallner
    SAFA 2020: 34-46 [ paper ]
  25. Weak Admissibility is PSPACE-complete
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    NMR 2020: 100-109 [ Workshop Notes ]
  26. Ranking-Based Semantics from the Perspective of Claims
    Stefano Bistarelli, Wolfgang Dvořák, Carlo Taticchi, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2020: 111-122 [ paper ]
  27. Computing Strongly Admissible Sets
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Johannes P. Wallner
    COMMA 2020: 179-190 [ paper ]
  28. Expressiveness of SETAFs and Support-Free~ADFs under 3-valued Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2020: 191-202 [ paper ]
  29. The ASPARTIX system suite
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah A. Gaggl, Anna Rapberger, Johannes P. Wallner, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2020:461-462 [ paper ]
  30. Argumentation Semantics under a Claim-centric View: Properties, Expressiveness and Relation to SETAFs
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    KR 2020 [ preprint ]
  31. On the Relation between Claim-augmented Argumentation Frameworks and Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    ECAI 2020: 721-728 [ paper ]
  32. ASPARTIX-V19 - An Answer-set Programming based System for Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Johannes P. Wallner, Stefan Woltran
    FoIKS 2020: 79-89 [ paper ]
  33. Strong Equivalence for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    KI 2019: 131-145 [ paper ]
  34. Near-linear time algorithms for Streett objectives in Graphs and MDPs
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    CONCUR 2019, 7:1-7:16 [ paper ]
  35. Preprocessing Argumentation Frameworks via Replacement Patterns
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Thomas Linsbichler, Andreas Niskanen Stefan Woltran
    JELIA 2019: 116-132 [ paper ]
  36. Complexity of Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-centric View
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    AAAI-19: 2801-2808 [ paper | poster | spotlight slides ]
  37. Applications of ASP in Formal Argumentation
    Martin Diller, Wolfgang Dvořák, Jörg Pührer, Johannes P. Wallner, Stefan Woltran
    2nd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 18) [ paper ]
  38. Quasipolynomial Set-Based Symbolic Algorithms for Parity Games
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    LPAR-22, 233-253 [paper]
  39. Evaluating SETAFs via Answer-Set Programming
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Stefan Woltran
    SAFA 2018, 22-35 [paper]
  40. On the Expressive Power of Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Jorge Fandinno, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA 2018, 49 - 60 [paper]
  41. Algorithms and Conditional Lower bounds for Planning Problems
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    ICAPS 2018, 56-64 [paper, arXiv-version]
  42. Lower Bounds for Symbolic Computation on Graphs: Strongly Connected Components, Liveness, Safety, and Diameter.
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    SODA 2018, 2341-2356 [ paper | arXiv-version, poster from HALG 18 ]
  43. Improved Set-based Symbolic Algorithms for Parity Games.
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    CSL 2017 18:1--18:21 [ paper | arXiv-version ]
  44. A General Notion of Equivalence for Abstract Argumentation
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Stefan Woltran
    IJCAI 2017: 800-806 [ paper ]
  45. Conditionally Optimal Algorithms for Generalized Büchi Games
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    MFCS'16: 25:1-25:15 [paper, arXiv-version ]
  46. Model and Objective Separation with Conditional Lower Bounds: Disjunction is Harder than Conjunction
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    LICS'16: 197-206 [ paper | arXiv-version ]
  47. Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation (Extended Abstract)
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    IJCAI 2015 (Journal Track): 4173-4177 [ paper | System CEGARTIX ]
  48. CEGARTIX v0.4: A SAT-Based Counter-Example Guided Argumentation Reasoning Tool
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    In System Descriptions of the First International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA'15), CoRR abs/1510.05373 (2015) [ pdf ]
  49. Welfare Maximization with Friends-of-Friends Network Externalities
    Sayan Bhattacharya, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Martin Starnberger
    STACS 2015: 90-102 [ paper | draft | slides]
  50. Limiting Price Discrimination when Selling Products with Positive Network Externalities
    Luděk Cigler, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Martin Starnberger
    WINE 2014: 44-57 [ draft | paper at Springer | WINE'13 poster]
  51. Online Ad Assignment with an Ad Exchange
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger
    WAOA 2014: 156-167 [ draft | paper at Springer ]
  52. Resolution-based grounded semantics revisited
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Emilia Oikarinen, Stefan Woltran
    COMMA-14, 269-280 [ paper (IOS Press) ]
  53. Compact Argumentation Frameworks
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Hannes Strass, Stefan Woltran
    ECAI-14: 69-74 [paper (IOS Press)]
  54. Compact Argumentation Frameworks
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Hannes Strass, Stefan Woltran
    NMR 2014 [ paper ]
  55. Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation
    Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák,Thomas Linsbichler, and Stefan Woltran
    KR 2014: 72-81
  56. Making Use of Advances in Answer-Set Programming for Abstract Argumentation Systems
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP 2011, revised selected papers, pages 114-133, 2013
    paper at Springer | conference version]
  57. dynPARTIX - A Dynamic Programming Reasoner for Abstract Argumentation.
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Michael Morak, Clemens Nopp and Stefan Woltran
    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP 2011, revised selected papers, pages 259-268, 2013
    paper at Springer | conference version | System dynPARTIX ]
  58. On the Difference between Assumption-Based Argumentation and Abstract Argumentation.
    Martin Caminada, Samy Sà, João Alcântara, Wolfgang Dvořák
    BNAIC 2013: 25-32 [ paper ]
  59. Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation
    Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, and Stefan Woltran
    4th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2013) [ pdf | slides ]
  60. Maximizing a Submodular Function with Viability Constraints
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, and David P. Williamson
    21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013), 409-420 [ paper at Springer ]
  61. Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Szeider and Stefan Woltran
    SUM 2012, LNCS 7520, Springer: 85-98 [ paper at Springer | slides ]
  62. Comparing the Expressiveness of Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Christof Spanring
    COMMA 2012: 261-272 [ paper (IOS press) ]
  63. Computational Aspects of cf2 and stage2 Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Sarah Alice Gaggl
    COMMA 2012: 273-284 [ paper (IOS press)] | slides ]
  64. dynPARTIX 2.0 - Dynamic Programming Argumentation Reasoning Tool (demonstration extended abstract)
    Günther Charwat and Wolfgang Dvořák
    COMMA 2012: 507-508 [ paper (IOS press)] | System dynPARTIX ]
  65. CEGARTIX: A SAT-Based Argumentation System
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    PoS 2012 workshop
    .pdf | System CEGARTIX ]
  66. Incorporating Stage Semantics in the SCC-recursive Schema for Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Sarah Alice Gaggl
    NMR 2010 (awarded Best Student Paper) [ paper ]
  67. Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    KR 2012: 54-64 (awarded Distinguished Student Paper Prize) [ paper | slides | System CEGARTIX ]
  68. Making Use of Advances in Answer-Set Programming for Abstract Argumentation Systems
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Johannes Peter Wallner and Stefan Woltran
    INAP 2011 (technical paper) [arXiv:1108.4942]
  69. dynPARTIX - A Dynamic Programming Reasoner for Abstract Argumentation.
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Michael Morak, Clemens Nopp and Stefan Woltran
    INAP 2011 (system description) [arXiv:1108.4804 | slides | System dynPARTIX ]
  70. On the Complexity of Computing the Justification Status of an Argument
    Wolfgang Dvořák
    First International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA), LNCS 7132, Springer 2012: 32-49 [slides  |  Proceedings  |  Post-Proceedings ]
  71. Parametric Properties of Ideal Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Paul E. Dunne, Stefan Woltran
    IJCAI 2011: 851-856 [paper, slides, poster]
  72. On the Intertranslatability of Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    NONMON@30: (online proceedings) [paper, scripts]
  73. Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks of Bounded Clique-Width
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Szeider, Stefan Woltran.
    COMMA 2010: 219-230 [preprint, slides]
  74. Towards Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Woltran
    KR 2010: 112-122 [preprint, slides]
  75. Alternation as a programming paradigm
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Georg Gottlob, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Woltran
    PPDP '09, 61-72. [ paper | slides]
  76. Poster: Argumentation with Bounded Tree-Width
    ACAI'09 Poster Session [Poster, printer friendly]

Thesis, Book/Festschrift Contributions, etc.

  1. Joint Attacks and Accrual in Argumentation Frameworks
    Antonis Bikakis, Andrea Cohen, Wolfgang Dvořák, Giorgos Flouris, Simon Parsons
    Chapter 2 of Handbook of Formal Argumentation vol. 2, pages 131-210, 2021 [Handbook at College Publications]
  2. Computational Problems in Formal Argumentation and their Complexity
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Paul E. Dunne
    Chapter 13 of Handbook of Formal Argumentation vol. 1, pages 631-688, 2018 [Handbook at College Publications (erratum), updated authors' version]
  3. Reduction-Based Approaches to Implement Modgil's Extended Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Thomas Linsbichler, Johannes Peter Wallner
    In Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation. (Festschrift in honor of Gerhard Brewka on the occasion of his 60th birthday), pages 249-264, 2015
    [paper at Springer | system GERD ]
  4. Computationale Aspekte der Abstrakten Argumentation (in German)
    Wolfgang Dvořák
    Sammelband Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2012, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI D-13), pages 61-70, 2013
  5. Benchmark libraries for argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Stefan Szeider, and Stefan Woltran
    In Agreement Technologies, volume 8 of LGTS, chapter The Added Value of Argumentation, pages 389-393. Springer, 2013. [at]
  6. Parameterized Splitting: A Simple Modification-Based Approach
    Ringo Baumann, Gerhard Brewka, Wolfgang Dvořák, and Stefan Woltran
    Correct Reasoning - Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz, LNCS 7265, Springer 2012: 57-71 [ paper at springer ]
  7. PhD Thesis: Computational Aspects of Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák (supervised by Stefan Woltran)
    Technische Universität Wien, 2012. [.pdf |  official version |  slides]

Technical Reports

  1. The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-Centric View Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    CoRR abs/2204.13305 (2022) [arXiv:2204.13305]
  2. Rediscovering Argumentation Principles Utilizing Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Markus Ulbricht, Stefan Woltran
    CoRR abs/2205.03151 (2022) [arXiv:2205.03151]
  3. The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2022-125, Technische Universität Wien, 2022. [pdf]
  4. A Claim-Centric Perspective on Abstract Argumentation Semantics: Claim-Defeat, Principles, and Expressiveness
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2022-124, Technische Universität Wien, 2022. [pdf]
  5. Symbolic Time and Space Tradeoffs for Probabilistic Verification
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    CoRR abs/2104.07466 (2021) [arXiv:2104.07466]
  6. The Complexity Landscape of Claim-Augmented Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2021-121, Technische Universität Wien, 2021. [pdf]
  7. Graph-Classes of Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Matthias König, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2021-120, Technische Universität Wien, 2021. [pdf]
  8. Expressiveness of SETAFs and Support-Free ADFs under 3-valued Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Stefan Woltran
    CoRR abs/2007.03581 (2020) [arXiv:2007.03581]
  9. On the Different Types of Collective Attacks in Abstract Argumentation: Equivalence Results for SETAFs
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2020-119, Technische Universität Wien, 2020. [pdf]
  10. On the Relation between Claim-augmented Argumentation Frameworks and Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2020-118, Technische Universität Wien, 2020. [pdf]
  11. Expressiveness of SETAFs and Support-Free ADFs under 3-valued Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2020-117, Technische Universität Wien, 2020. [pdf]
  12. Strong Equivalence for Argumentation Frameworks with Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2019-116, Technische Universität Wien, 2019. [pdf]
  13. Shaping Abstract Argumentation for the Argumentation Pipeline? How to avoid Multiple Arguments with the same Claim
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2019-115, Technische Universität Wien, 2019. [pdf]
  14. Evaluating SETAFs via Answer-Set Programming
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2018-112, Technische Universität Wien, 2018. [pdf]
  15. On the Expressive Power of Collective Attacks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Jorge Fandinno, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2018-111, Technische Universität Wien, 2018. [pdf]
  16. Algorithms and Conditional Lower bounds for Planning Problems
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Alexander Svozil
    CoRR abs/1804.07031, 2018 [arXiv:1804.07031]
  17. Lower Bounds for Symbolic Computation on Graphs: Strongly Connected Components, Liveness, Safety, and Diameter
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    CoRR abs/1711.09148, 2017 [arXiv:1711.09148]
  18. Improved Set-based Symbolic Algorithms for Parity Games
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    CoRR abs/1706.04889, 2017 [arXiv:1706.04889]
  19. Technical Note: On the Complexity of the Uniqueness Problem in Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2017-108, Technische Universität Wien, 2017. [pdf]
  20. A General Notion of Equivalence for Abstract Argumentation
    Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2017-105, Technische Universität Wien, 2017. [pdf]
  21. Maximizing a Submodular Function with Viability Constraints
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, and David P. Williamson
    CoRR abs/1611.05753, 2016 [arXiv:1611.05753]
  22. Conditionally Optimal Algorithms for Generalized Büchi Games
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    CoRR abs/1607.05850, 2016 [arXiv:1607.05850]
  23. Online Ad Assignment with an Ad Exchange
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, CoRR abs/1604.05603, 2016 [ arXiv:1604.05603 ]
  24. Model and Objective Separation with Conditional Lower Bounds: Disjunction is Harder than Conjunction
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer
    CoRR abs/1602.02670, 2016 [arXiv:1602.02670]
  25. Comparing the Expressiveness of Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Christof Spanring
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2015-90, Technische Universität Wien, 2015. [pdf]
  26. Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation
    Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler, and Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2015-89, Technische Universität Wien, 2015. [pdf]
  27. Implementing Abstract Argumentation - A Survey
    Günther Charwat, Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Johannes Peter Wallner, and Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2013-82, Technische Universität Wien, 2013. [pdf]
  28. Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Szeider, and Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2012-79, Technische Universität Wien, 2012. [pdf]
  29. Incorporating Stage Semantics in the SCC-recursive Schema for Argumentation Semantics
    Wolfgang Dvořák and Sarah Alice Gaggl
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2012-78, Technische Universität Wien, 2012. [pdf]
  30. Technical Note: Exploring ΣP2 / ΠP2 -hardness for Argumentation Problems with fixed distance to tractable classes
    Wolfgang Dvořák
    CoRR abs/1201.0478, 2012 [arXiv:1201.0478]
  31. Towards Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Abstract Argumentation
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Reinhard Pichler, and Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2011-74, Technische Universität Wien, 2011. [pdf]
  32. Making Use of Advances in Answer-Set Programming for Abstract Argumentation Systems
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Sarah Gaggl, Johannes Peter Wallner, and Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2011-70, Technische Universität Wien, 2011. [pdf]
  33. Technical Note: Complexity of Stage Semantics in Argumentation Frameworks
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2009-66, Technische Universität Wien, Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, 2009 [pdf, slides]
  34. Alternation as a Programming Paradigm
    Wolfgang Dvořák, Georg Gottlob, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Woltran
    Technical Report DBAI-TR-2009-64, Technische Universität Wien, Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, 2009 [pdf]

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