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Senior Lecturer Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Wolfgang Dvořák

Address Institute of Logic and Computation
Databases and Artificial Intelligence Group
TU Wien
Favoritenstraße 9-11
1040 Wien
Mail email address
Phone +43-1-58801-18441
Fax +43-1-58801-9-18441
Room HA 03 18
By appointment (send me an e-mail)

You can find me in the TISS Adress Book

I am a senior lecturer at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group of TU Wien and hold a venia docendi at the University of Vienna (Faculty of Computer Science). Before that, I was with the Theory and Applications of Algorithms Group at the University of Vienna and even before I obtained my PhD at TU Wien, within the WWTF funded project "New Methods for Analysing, Comparing and Solving Argumentation".

Current Work and Research Interests

My research interests lie in theoretical computer science and my main research area is on Algorithms and Algorithmic Lower Bounds for Graph Problems from Applications, with the current focus being on problems in Artificial Intelligence and model checking problems from computer aided verification. In my research, I apply methods from the fields of algorithms and computational complexity theory, in particular from the research areas of parameterized complexity, approximation algorithms, and conditional lower bounds. Beyond that, I am interested in research on the intertranslatability and expressiveness studies of AI formalisms. Find below a list of some topics I'm interested in.

Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae that is not updated too frequently.


My course list in tiss system.

Summer term 2025

Winter term 2024

Full teaching record

Recent & Upcoming Papers

Full publication record


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