Evaluating CAFs
For the Input format see
CAFs and
well-formed CAFs.
Some examples CAFs can be found
Computing Claim Extensions
We extend the ASPARTIX-System with the
CAF.dl file in order to compute the claim extensions.
claim(C) :- in(X), claim(X,C).
att(Y,X):- arg(Y), claim(Y,C), wfAtt(C,X).
#show claim/1.
Using gringo/clasp (see Potassco) the usage is as follows:
gringo input.af CAF.dl semantics.dl | ./clasp -n 0
- input.af: The encoding of the CAF to be processed (Input format)
- semantics.dl: The ASPARTIX file implementing the semantics (ASPARTIX )
Example: gringo example1.af CAF.dl stable.dl | ./clasp -n 0
Testing whether a CAF is well-formed
Use the TestWellFormed.dl to test whether a CAF is well-formed.
notWellformed :- arg(X), arg(Y), arg(Z), claim(X,C), claim(Y,C),
att(X,Z), not att(Y,Z).
wellformed:- not notWellformed.
#show notWellformed/0.
#show wellformed/0.
Using gringo/clasp (see Potassco) the usage is as follows:
gringo input.af TestWellFormed.dl | clasp -n 0