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Michael Bernreiter

TISS: Michael Bernreiter
Room: HA 03 20

About me

I am a PhD student and university assistant at TU Wien, working under the supervision of Stefan Woltran, Wolfgang Dvořák, and Jan Maly at the research group for Databases and Artifical Intelligence. My academic interests lie in all (or at least most) things concerned with logic and computation, and especially in the complexity analysis of problems related to artifical intelligence and preferences. Currently, I am working on choice logics and preferences in abstract argumentation.


Journal Papers

[J4] The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation
Under a Claim-Centric View

Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (to appear)
[J3] Sequent Calculi for Choice Logics
Michael Bernreiter, Anela Lolic, Jan Maly, Stefan Woltran
Journal of Automated Reasoning (PDF)
[J2] Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences
Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
Argument & Computation (PDF)
[J1] Choice Logics and Their Computational Properties
Michael Bernreiter, Jan Maly, Stefan Woltran
Artificial Intelligence (PDF)

Conference Papers

[C7] Combining Voting and Abstract Argumentation
to Understand Online Discussions

Michael Bernreiter, Jan Maly, Oliviero Nardi, Stefan Woltran
AAMAS 2024 (PDF)
[C6] Truth and Preferences - A Game Approach for Qualitative Choice Logic
Robert Freiman, Michael Bernreiter
JELIA 2023 (PDF)
[C5] From Qualitative Choice Logic to Abstract Argumentation
Michael Bernreiter, Matthias König
KR 2023 (PDF)
[C4] The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation
Under a Claim-Centric View

Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
AAAI 2023 (PDF)
[C3] Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences
Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Stefan Woltran
COMMA 2022 (PDF)
Winner of Best Student Paper Award
[C2] Sequent Calculi for Choice Logics
Michael Bernreiter, Anela Lolic, Jan Maly, Stefan Woltran
IJCAR 2022 (PDF)
[C1] Choice Logics and Their Computational Properties
Michael Bernreiter, Jan Maly, Stefan Woltran
IJCAI 2021 (PDF)

Workshop Papers

[W5] Truth and Preferences - A Game Approach for Qualitative Choice Logic
Robert Freiman, Michael Bernreiter
LATD 2023 (PDF)
Winner of Best Student Contribution Award
[W4] Validity in Choice Logics - A Game-theoretic Investigation
Robert Freiman, Michael Bernreiter
WoLLIC 2023 (PDF)
[W3] The Effect of Preferences in Abstract Argumentation
Under a Claim-Centric View

Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák, Anna Rapberger, Stefan Woltran
NMR 2022 (PDF)
[W2] Truth and Preferences - A Game Approach for Qualitative Choice Logic
Robert Freiman, Michael Bernreiter
M-PREF 2022 (PDF)
[W1] Encoding Choice Logics in ASP
Michael Bernreiter, Jan Maly, Stefan Woltran


[T2] Integrated Preferences in Logic and Abstract Argumentation
Michael Bernreiter
PhD Thesis, TU Wien (to appear)
[T1] A General Framework for Choice Logics
Michael Bernreiter
Master Thesis, TU Wien (PDF)
Winner of ASAI Master Thesis Award


ASAI Master Thesis Award
Best Student Paper Award at COMMA 2022
Best Student Contribution Award at LATD 2023

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