Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing.
Andreas Pfandler
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Information Systems
Database and Artificial Intelligence Group
Address |
Favoritenstraße 9-11/184-2
1040 Wien, Austria
Email |
"lastname" [at] dbai tuwien ac at |
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+43-1-58801-18436 |
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+43-1-58801-18493 |
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HA 03 32 |
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Andreas Pfandler |
Currently, I am a PhD student and faculty member (research and teaching assistant) at the
Database and Artificial Intelligence Group at the
Vienna University of Technology.
My advisor is
Reinhard Pichler.
I hold a Master's degree in Computational Intelligence and a Bachelor's degree in Medizinische Informatik (Medical Computer Science).
My current work is related to the project "
Fixed-Parameter Tractability in Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning" (FAIR).
Before that I have been contributing to the project
Turning Theoretical Tractability into Efficient Computation via Datalog at our group.
- Manipulation of k-Approval in Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates. Gábor Erdélyi, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler, Fourth International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT-15), LNCS 9346, Springer, PDF, BibTex.
- Democratix: A Declarative Approach to Winner Determination. Günther Charwat, Andreas Pfandler, Fourth International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT-15), LNCS 9346, Springer, Website of the Tool, PDF, BibTex.
- Distance-Bounded Consistent Query Answering. Andreas Pfandler and Emanuel Sallinger, 24rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reductions to SAT for Planning. Ronald de Haan, Martin Kronegger, Andreas Pfandler, 24rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- On the Parameterized Complexity of Belief Revision. Andreas Pfandler, Stefan Rümmele, Johannes Peter Wallner, Stefan Woltran, 24rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Parameterized Complexity of Asynchronous Border Minimization. Robert Ganian, Martin Kronegger, Andreas Pfandler, Alexandru Popa, 12th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2015), LNCS 9076, Springer, PDF.
- Variable-Deletion Backdoors to Planning. Martin Kronegger, Sebastian Ordyniak, Andreas Pfandler, Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), AAAI Press, Supplementary material, PDF, BibTex.
- The Complexity of Handling Minimal Solutions in Logic-based Abduction. Andreas Pfandler, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Woltran, Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC), Oxford University Press, to appear but already available online PDF.
- Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving. Uwe Egly, Martin Kronegger, Florian Lonsing, Andreas Pfandler, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC 2014), LNCS 8884, Springer, PDF, BibTex.
- A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams. Petra Kaufmann, Martin Kronegger, Andreas Pfandler, Martina Seidl, Magdalena Widl, 7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2014), (Best Paper Award), LNCS 8706, Springer, PDF, BibTex.
- DEMOCRATIX: A Declarative Approach to Winner Determination. Günther Charwat and Andreas Pfandler, 5th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC 2014), PDF (online proceedings), BibTex.
- A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. Martin Kronegger, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler, Reinhard Pichler, Twenty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Backdoors to Planning. Martin Kronegger, Sebastian Ordyniak, Andreas Pfandler, Twenty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. Martin Kronegger, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler, Reinhard Pichler, 7th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-Pref '13), PDF (online proceedings), BibTex.
- Conformant Planning as a Benchmark for QBF-Solvers. Martin Kronegger, Andreas Pfandler, Reinhard Pichler, International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2013), PDF (online proceedings), BibTex.
- Parameterized Complexity of Optimal Planning: A Detailed Map. Martin Kronegger, Andreas Pfandler, Reinhard Pichler, 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13), AAAI Press, Manuscript (Result for Journal Version), PDF, BibTex.
- Backdoors to Abduction. Andreas Pfandler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Szeider, 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Computational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates. Gábor Erdélyi, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler, Twenty-Seventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- The Complexity of Nearly Single-Peaked Consistency. Gábor Erdélyi, Martin Lackner, Andreas Pfandler, 4th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC 2012), PDF (online proceedings), BibTex.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Closed World Reasoning. Martin Lackner and Andreas Pfandler, 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), IOS Press, PDF, BibTex.
- The Parameterized Complexity of Abduction. Michael R. Fellows, Andreas Pfandler, Frances A. Rosamond, Stefan Rümmele, Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. Martin Lackner and Andreas Pfandler, 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2012), AAAI Press, PDF, BibTex.
- Train Marshalling Is Fixed Parameter Tractable. Leo Brueggeman, Michael Fellows, Rudolf Fleischer, Martin Lackner, Christian Komusiewicz, Yiannis Koutis, Andreas Pfandler and Frances Rosamond, Sixth International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2012), Springer, BibTex.
- Decentralized Diagnosis: Complexity Analysis and Datalog Encodings. Andreas Pfandler, Master's thesis at Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
Talks and Presentations
- Democratix: A Declarative Approach to Winner Determination. Fourth International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT-15), Lexington, USA, 2015.
- Distance-Bounded Consistent Query Answering. 24rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
- On the Parameterized Complexity of Generalized CP-Nets. Workshop on Challenges in Algorithmic Social Choice (CASC-14), Bad Belzig, Germany, 2014.
- A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. Twenty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14), Québec City, Canada, 2014.
- A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. 2nd Workshop on the Parameterized Complexity of Computational Reasoning (PCCR 2014), Vienna, Austria, 2014.
- A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. 7th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-Pref '13), Beijing, China, 2013.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Closed World Reasoning. 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), Montpellier, France, 2012.
- The Parameterized Complexity of Abduction. Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), Toronto, Canada, 2012.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. Talk given while visiting Gábor Erdélyi, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 2012.
- On the fixed-parameter tractability of computing minimal models. Workshop - Parameterized Complexity: Not about graphs!, Darwin, Australia, 2011.
- Decentralized Diagnosis: Complexity Analysis and Datalog Encodings. Poster presentation, JSC 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010.