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Some Scripts for ASPARTIX

Here I collect some (short) scripts which have been usefull for me when working with the Argumentation system ASPARTIX (see ASPARTIX-System).

Labellings with ASPARTIX

The ASPARTIX computes extensions of Argumentation frameworks. If one is interested in labellings of AFs ( as defined in [M.W.A. Caminada and Dov M. Gabbay. A Logical Account of Formal Argumentation. Studia Logica 93(2-3):109-145 (2009]) ) the following scripts are appropiate.

Compute Labellings

Using the file
labels.dl one can compute the labellings of an AF as follows:
dlv inputAF.dl semantic.dl labels.dl -filter=in,label_out,label_undec dlv example01.dl stable.dl labels.dl -filter=in,label_out,label_undec

Each answer set represents a different labelling function, represented by the relations in, label_out, label_undec.

label_out(Y):- in(X),defeat(X,Y). label_undec(Y):- out(Y), not label_out(Y).

Compute the Justification Status

To compute the justification status of arguments with respect to complete semantics (as defined in Yining Wu, Martin Caminada, Mikolaj Podlaszewski. A Labelling Based Justification Status of Arguments. NMR 2010) one can use the ASP-program juststate.dl, which is based on the ASPARTIX framework.

dlv juststate.dl -silent -n=1 -filter=strong_accept,weak_accept,borderlineIOU, borderlineU,weak_reject,strong_reject

Translate Argumentation Frameworks

Here I provide some dlv-complex programs that implement translations between different argumentation semantics (Thus you have to use DLV-complex instead of DLV).

The idea of such a translation T is that, given an Argumentation Framework F and two semantics (for instance complete and preferred), we create an Argumentation Framework T(F) such that the complete extensions of F conincides with the preferred extensions of T(F). For further information you may have a look at our paper W. Dvořák and S. Woltran - On the Intertranslatability of Argumentation Semantics ( NONMON@30).


dlv-complex -MAXNL=1 -nofdcheck -silent inputAF.dl translation.dl dlv-complex -MAXNL=1 -nofdcheck -silent example01.dl adm2pref.dl dlv-complex -MAXNL=1 -nofdcheck -silent inputAF.dl translation.dl semantic.dl dlv-complex -MAXNL=1 -nofdcheck -silent example01.dl adm2pref.dl prefex.dl
Here the parameters -MAXNL=1 -nofdcheck are crucial for the correct execution of the program.


adm2stable_arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). arg(X) :- adm2stable_arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(bar(X),X) :- arg(X). arg(clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(clause(X,Y),Z) :- arg(Z), att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y), not adm2stable_arg(Z). att(clause(X,Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(bar(Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(X,clause(Y,Z)) :- att(X,Y), att(Y,Z), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y), not adm2stable_arg(Z).


adm2stable_arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). arg(X) :- adm2stable_arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(bar(X),X) :- arg(X). arg(clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(clause(X,Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(bar(Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y). att(X,clause(Y,Z)) :- att(X,Y), att(Y,Z), not adm2stable_arg(X), not adm2stable_arg(Y), not adm2stable_arg(Z).


comp2stable_arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). comp2stable_arg(prime(X)) :- arg(X). att(prime(X),prime(X)) :- arg(X). comp2stable_arg(plus(X)) :- arg(X). comp2stable_arg(barplus(X)) :- arg(X). arg(X) :- comp2stable_arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(X). att(bar(X),X) :- arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(X). att(X,prime(X)) :- arg(X). att(prime(X),prime(X)) :- arg(X). att(barplus(X),plus(X)) :- arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(X). att(X,barplus(Y)) :- arg(X), att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y). arg(clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y). att(clause(X,Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y). att(barplus(X),prime(Y)) :- att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y). att(plus(X),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y). att(bar(Y),clause(X,Y)) :- att(X,Y), not comp2stable_arg(X), not comp2stable_arg(Y).


arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(bar(X),bar(X)) :- arg(X).


arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(X,bar(Y)) :- att(X,Y). att(bar(X),bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(bar(X),Y):-arg(X), arg(Y). % The admissible extension {} does not refer to a stable extension stable2adm_ok :-in(X). :- not stable2adm_ok.


arg(t). att(t,X) :- arg(X), X!=t. att(X,t) :- arg(X), X!=t. % The stage / semi-stable extension {t} does not refer to a stable extension :-in(t).


stage2semi_arg(bar(X)) :- arg(X). arg(X):-stage2semi_arg(X). att(X,bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(Y,X) :- att(X,Y), not stage2semi_arg(X), not stage2semi_arg(Y). att(X,bar(Y)) :- att(X,Y), not stage2semi_arg(X), not stage2semi_arg(Y). att(bar(X),bar(X)) :- arg(X). att(X,Y) :- arg(X), att(Y,Y), not stage2semi_arg(X), not stage2semi_arg(Y).

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