Counter-Example Guided Argumentation Reasoning Tool
CEGARTIX is a system
for abstract argumentation which is build on sat-solvers.
It is developed within the
project "New
Methods for Analyzing, Comparing, and Solving Argumentation
ICCMA'17 results and Cegartix version 2017-3-13
Cegartix participated in all tracks of the recent
ICCMA'17 competition. We placed twice 2nd and 3rd, once 4th, and three times 5th in the tracks of the competition.
We thank the ICCMA'17 organizers for all their hard work to make this competition possible! The version of cegartix submitted to the competition (2017-3-13) is now available under
Download (see also
Usage), where we also fixed a bug that
was revealed in the course of the competition under ideal semantics.
We are not maintaining any of the previously available versions.
CEGARTIX is a system for skeptical and credulous acceptance under certain semantics for argumentation frameworks (AFs).
It is based on well-developed NP-oracles, namely the MiniSat solver.
The current implementation is able to compute skeptical acceptance for preferred semantics and both skeptical and credulous acceptance for semi-stable and stage semantics for a specific argument. Further, enumeration of all preferred extensions is supported.
Input file conventions
We borrow the input file format from the ASPARTIX system.
The parser will recognize the following lines:
- arg(a). Argument a.
- att(a,b). Attack relation between the arguments a and b.
The order of the definitions does not matter but only one attack or argument may be specified in one line.
Command line options
In the current version (2017-3-13) of cegartix, the program can be called via the binary (cegartix) or via the shell script (cegartix-run.sh). The latter calls cegartix as specified in the ICCMA'17 interface. The binary is called as specified next:
./cegartix [-semantics=S -mode=M -argument=A -extNum=N] FILENAME
where S is one of
- adm (admissible)
- com (complete)
- grd (grounded)
- stable
- pref (preferred)
- semi (semi-stable)
- stage
- ideal
- dung (Dung's marathon)
mode M is one of
- cred (credulous)
- skept (skeptical)
- enum (enumeration)
argument A is the argument to query for under cred and skept, and N is the the number of extensions to enumerate if mode M=enum (if there are less extensions of the AF all are returned, which is also the case if N=0).
The semantics "dung" always enumerates first the grounded extension, then all stable extensions, and finally all preferred extensions.
Let us consider the following input file containing the
definition of a argumentation framework:
With this input, the program will skeptically accept the argument "a" under the preferred semantics.
(preferred extensions: {{a, d, g}, {a, c}})
People involved in the development of CEGARTIX:
Here we provide the newest version of CEGARTIX as well as some benchmark examples for download.
In this version cegartix features MiniSAT as the SAT-engine.
Version 2017-3-13
- Examples: small collection of examples from the literature and benchmark examples. See contained readme.txt for details (contains randomly generated AFs and randomly generated grid-structured AFs)
- Examples from POS12: small collection for grid-structured AFs
AF Generators
- Graph Generators: Java AF generators. Compile and run without arguments for help. Note: can construct randomly generated AFs or randomly grid-structured AFs.