VAFs are encoded by a sequence of statements that either encode an argument, an attack, the value of an argument, or prefences between values.
For instance consider the encoding of an example from [Bench-Capon, J.Log.Comput.13 2003,].
We use the following encoding to first compute the defeat relation based on the given attacks, values, and preferences.
vaf.dlYou need an ASP-solver (e.g. clingo, dlv), the vaf.dl encoding. and the encoding for the semantics (see below) your are interested in.
In order to enumerate all extensions of a VAF (given in a file w.r.t. a semantics (encoded in the file semantics.dl) use one of he following commands (depending on your ASP-solver):
DLV:$ DLV vaf.dl semantics.dl -filter=inClingo:
$ clingo vaf.dl semantics.dl filter.lp 0
The filter.lp file filters out the predicates in(.) which denote the arguments and attacks contained in the extension.
Other reasoning modes work similar as in the case of Dung AFs, just add the paf.dl file.Most of the encodings can be used for both systems (dlv, clingo), but for some of them an adjustment, due to some differences in the syntax, is necessary. Those encodings are specially marked. In the following we provide the encoding.
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Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks. Uwe Egly, Sarah Gaggl, and Stefan Woltran. In Argument and Computation, 1(2): 147 - 177 (2010).[ bib |pdf] |
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Solving Argumentation Frameworks using Answer Set Programming.
Sarah Gaggl. Masters Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, 2009 [.pdf ] |