Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP) 2010

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Programme (Tuesday, July 20th)

9:00-10:00 Invited Talk (Chair: Stefan Woltran)

9:00 Torsten Schaub
ASP Solving and Other Computing Paradigms

10:30-12:30 Session I: Solvers (Chair: Stefan Woltran)

10:30 Christian Drescher, Oana Tifrea and Toby Walsh
Symmetry-breaking Answer Set Solving (paper)
11:00 Marcello Balduccini
Improving DPLL Solver Performance with Domain-Specific Heuristics: the ASP Case (paper)
11:30 Martin Gebser, Orkunt Sabuncu and Torsten Schaub
An Incremental Answer Set Programming Based System for Finite Model Computation : Preliminary Report
12:00 Mario Alviano and Wolfgang Faber
Dynamic Magic Sets for Super-Consistent Answer Set Programs

14:00-15:00 Session II: Foundations (Chair: Marcello Balduccini)

14:00 Dov Gabbay, David Pearce and Agustin Valverde
Interpolation in Equilibrium Logic and Answer Set Programming: the Propositional Case (paper)
14:30 Pedro Cabalar
A Logical Characterisation of Ordered Disjunction (paper)

15:30-17:00 Session III: Applications (Chair: Marcello Balduccini)

15:30 Stefania Costantini and Alessio Paolucci
Towards Translating Natural Language Sentences into ASP
16:00 Cristina Feier and Stijn Heymans
An Optimization for Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs (paper)
16:30 Yves Moinard
Using ASP with Recent Extensions for Causal Explanations (paper)

Invited Talk

ASP Solving and Other Computing Paradigms

Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam, Germany.

Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is on the verge of leaving the academic ivory tower and becoming an interesting alternative to established declarative solving paradigms in many application areas. This is due to its appealing combination of a highly expressive yet simple modeling language with high performance solving technology. Nonetheless certain applications require extensions or even an integration with other computing paradigms in order to be successfully solved. We discuss some of these extensions to ASP and elaborate upon the resulting systems available from

List of Accepted Papers