DBAI > education > Research and Career Planning

Research and Career Planning
for Doctoral Students

VU 195.098, VU 184.778
WS 2023

Georg Gottlob →

Please only contact the organization staff.
Markus Nissl →


This course covers a selection of the following topics:

  • Methodological issues of CS Research
  • Models of research organization
  • The structure of the CS scientific community
  • Communicating with peer scientists
  • Codes of conduct and ethics
  • Web resources for computer scientists
  • Models of industrial co-operations
  • Patents and patent intellectual property
  • The scientific publishing process
  • How to plan research
  • How to write a scientific paper
  • Presentation of results in talks and at conferences
  • Quality criteria and evaluation models in Science
  • How to choose a conference and a journal
  • How you will be evaluated in the future
  • Models of funding - organization, structure, and management of scientific projects
  • Scientific visits and co-operations
  • Where to apply for a postdoctoral position
  • Career models for computer scientists
  • much more...

Registration to the course

Please register for the course in TISS →
(Ensure you are using the course with course number 184.778 and not 195.098)
In case your registration process is delayed (i.e., if you receive your matriculation number in October), please let us know. We are happy to help you find a solution so that you can still participate in the course during the first semester of your PhD studies.


The course has 3 different assignments.


The dates for the deadlines and the sessions will be announced on Tuwel.

Introduction competition

Write an introduction to a scientific paper and use the criteria presented during the lecture. There is no template for the introduction, choose whatever template you are familiar with. Just please do not write your name in the submitted file. Upload your file until the first deadline using EasyChair.
After uploading your introduction, you will be assigned 10 introductions written by your peers, which you will have to review until the second deadline.
The best reviews will be revealed during the last session, after the presentations. We will send you reminders and other information, as needed.

EasyChair: Link to the submission system will be published on Tuwel

Submission Information

Please do NOT write your name in the body of the introduction.

First presentation

The first presentation is about your specific research area. You can take around 15-20 minutes (perhaps including a few minutes for discussion).
You should upload the slides of your presentation as a PDF File on Tuwel until the second deadline.
Please make sure that your presentations cover the following points:

  • best 3 research groups worldwide in the area
  • how you plan to contact them and how you may co-operate with them
  • best 3 international conferences, journals, and workshops for the area
  • a publication venue in your area that is not well-known in the general field of Computer Science
  • a plan of how and what you want to publish in the venues described above in the next years
  • an international role model: a young successful researcher in your area (not at TU Wien).

Research Area

We will ask you to submit Personal Information at the beginning of the course in Tuwel. According to this information we will assign you to groups in the same field.

Second presentation

The second presentation is about general topics concerning research and career planning. The possible topics are below.

  • University rankings: how they work
  • Rankings of CS journals and conferences
  • Roles and career models in academia
  • The scientific publishing process
  • The refereeing process
  • Web resources for computer scientists
  • Patents and intellectual property
  • How to structure and write a scientific paper
  • Models of research funding
  • Organization, structure, and management of scientific projects
  • Codes of conduct and ethics-as author, reviewer, etc.
  • Industrial research centers (in the USA and in Europe)
  • Interaction between academia and the industry/companies

You can take up to 20 minutes for each presentation, which includes time for discussion.
You should upload the slides in a first draft on Tuwel before the first deadline.
After this deadline additional resources from the last term are available and should be integrated.
The final version of the slides should be uploaded on Tuwel by the second deadline.

Topic Selection

The presentation groups have a minimum and maximum size. We may have to rebalance the groups at the end of the registration phase. For this, we try to follow first come, first served as far as possible. Keep in mind that rebalancing means that we may dissolve groups. In such a case we will try to dissolve groups with the least amount of participants.

Further Questions

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to write an email and please start the subject with "RCP:". Please contact exclusively the following emails:


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