14th International Workshop on
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
June 8-10, 2012 - Rome, Italy
Thursday, June 7:
Welcome Reception (joint with the DL workshop)18.00-19.00 at the workshop venue
Friday, June 8:
Session 1 Belief Change 09.00-10.05 Invited talk 10.05-10.30 1 presentation |
Invited Talk: João Leite | On Logic Program Updates |
Patrick Krümpelmann and Gabriele Kern-Isberner | Belief Base Change Operations for Answer Set Programming |
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break | |
Session 2 Answer-Set Programming - Application 11.00-12.40 4 presentations |
Daniela Inclezan | Modeling a Theory of Second Language Acquisition in ASP |
João Moura | Characterising Access Control Conflicts |
Jeffrey Remmel and Alex Brik | Computing a Finite Horizon Optimal Strategy Using Hybrid ASP |
Vladimir Lifschitz, Karl Pichotta and Fangkai Yang | Relational Theories with Null Values and Non-Herbrand Stable Models |
12.40-14.10 Lunch | |
Session 3 Argumentation 14.10-15.50 4 presentations |
Ján Šefránek | Updates of argumentation frameworks |
Nico Roos | Preferential model semantics, argumentation frameworks and closure properties |
Wolfgang Dvořák and Sarah Alice Gaggl | Incorporating Stage Semantics in the SCC-recursive Schema for Argumentation Semantics |
Martin Baláž and Jozef Frtús | Abstract Argumentation with Structured Arguments |
15.50-16.20 Coffee break | |
Session 4 Preferences 16.20-18.00 4 presentations |
Alexander Šimko | Preferred Answer Sets: Comparison of Generating Sets |
Alex Brik and Jeffrey Remmel | Expressing Preferences using Preference Set Constraint Atoms |
Giovanni Casini | A preferential proposal for contextual reasoning |
Katarina Britz and Ivan Varzinczak | Defeasible Modes of Inference: A Preferential Perspective |
Session 5 Systems 18.00-18.30 2 presentations (15 min each) |
Onofrio Febbraro, Nicola Leone, Kristian Reale and Francesco Ricca | ASPIDE the Integrated Development Environment for Answer Set Programming: Progress Report |
Hannes Strass | The draculasp System: Default Reasoning about Actions and Change Using Logic and Answer Set Programming |
Saturday, June 9:
Session 6 joint DL-NMR 09.00-10.05 Invited talk 10.05-12.20 4 presentations |
Invited Talk: Piero Bonatti | Defaults in Description Logics: so Simple, so Difficult |
Georg Gottlob, Andre Hernich, Clemens Kupke and Thomas Lukasiewicz | Equality-Friendly Well-Founded Semantics and Applications to Description Logics |
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break | |
Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti and Gian Luca Pozzato | Preferential Low Complexity Description Logics: Complexity Results and Proof Methods |
Meghyn Bienvenu | Inconsistency-Tolerant Conjunctive Query Answering for Simple Ontologies |
Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Riccardo Rosati, Marco Ruzzi and Domenico Fabio Savo | Inconsistency-Tolerant First-order Rewritability of DL-Lite with Identification and Denial Assertions |
12.20-13.50 Lunch | |
Session 7 Action and Change 13.50-15.30 4 presentations |
Camilla Schwind | Belief Base Revision as a Binary Operation on Implicant Sets: a finitary approach |
Philippe Besnard, Éric Grégoire and Sébastien Ramon | Preemption Operators |
Chitta Baral, Gregory Gelfond, Enrico Pontelli and Tran Cao Son | An Action Language for Reasoning about Beliefs in Multi-Agent Domains |
Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz | The Common Core of Action Languages B and C |
15.50-16.20 Coffee break | Session 8 Answer-Set Programming - Foundations 16.00-17.40 4 presentations |
Vladimir Lifschitz | Two-Valued Logic Programs |
Marc Denecker, Yuliya Lierler, Mirek Truszczynski and Joost Vennekens | A Tarskian Semantics for Answer Set Programming |
Joohyung Lee and Yunsong Meng | Stable Models of Formulas with Generalized Quantifiers |
Marina De Vos, Doğa Gizem Kisa, Johannes Oetsch, Jörg Pührer and Hans Tompits | LANA: A Language for Annotating Answer-Set Programs |
18.30-23.00 Social event |
Sunday, June 10:
Session 9 Nonmonotonic Systems 09.00-10.05 Invited talk 10.05-10.30 1 presentations |
Invited Talk: Nicola Leone | Towards the Industrial Application of NMR Systems |
Marcello Balduccini | Answer Set Solving and Non-Herbrand Functions |
10.30-11.00 Coffee break | Session 10 Agents and Logics 11.00-13.05 5 presentations |
Alexander Bochman | On the Range of Logics for Logic Programming |
Gerhard Brewka, Hannes Strass and Michael Thielscher | Declarative Strategies for Agents with Incomplete Knowledge |
Patrick Krümpelmann and Gabriele Kern-Isberner | On Agent-based Epistemic Secrecy |
Ryo Takemura | Defeasible Inheritance Networks and Linear Logic: Horn Fragments and Proof Nets |
Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti and Gian Luca Pozzato | A Minimal Model Semantics for Rational Closure |