West End's Tank Leader Series
Tank Leader, published in three games in 1986-1990, is simply the best platoon level armor game ever, still decades ahead of Panzerblitz, Panzer Grenadier, Blood & Thunder, and all others I've seen. Another John Hill masterpiece. The third game in the series, Desert Steel, won the 1990 Charles Roberts Award for best WWII boardgame.
Note: The links to the WFTL and DS variant counters have been removed, as well as to the EFTL counters with normal values. The EFTL counters with Panzerblitz-scale range and movement values remain downloadable.
List the cards, the units, quality, experience, morale/morale modifier, plus sometimes the unit ratings. (ASCII format)
This follows the lines of the classical "Panzerblitz Situation 13" by providing a set of guidelines for developing self-made scenarios by purchasing units. Actually, players purchase formation cards, whose experience, morale, and C2 ratings all influence the cost. Also, unlike Situation 13, the purchase of formations automatically provides proper historical unit mixes. Can be used with EFTL, WFTL, and Desert Steel.
Scenario 16 (PDF format)
Like my October War and Panzer Grenadier lists, the tables below show the relative size of scenarios, enabling a guess at playing time, using the simple measure of turns times number of units in a scenario (T*U). Also includes sizes of the converted Panzerblitz scenarios (in progress).
EFTL scenario sizes.
Desert Steel scenario sizes.
Literally the only advantage that the old Panzerblitz system has over Tank Leader is the larger number of scenarios (although the three TL games together provide a respectable 45 scenarios - I certainly have not completely fathomed that set). I've always been interested to see how all these Panzerblitz situations would play out with a system that truly captures the relative capabilities of both sides.
The files below permit playing the classic Panzerblitz scenarios as Tank Leader scenarios in two ways. Either by playing directly on the PB maps by adapting the TL scale, or on new maps that represent the PB terrain in TL terms and at TL scale. In the former case (which I refer to as Retroblitz Tank Leader), you merely need the adapted chart sheet with the PB terrain descriptions (in TL terms) and the adapted terrain modifiers. Note: the sheet has all the information for plaing the scenarios with Desert Steel rules and includes modifiers for moving fire and flank effects. Also note that the PB maps, with modernised graphics, are available on the Imaginative Strategist site, so that you can play the scenarios without owning PB. The scenarios are provided in textual form, and in the form of the typical PB situation cards.
All distances in the scenario descriptions are given in Tank Leader
scale and, in parentheses, in PB/Retroblitz Tank Leader scale.
Panzer Leader scenario conversions to WFTL may follow, given time.
Playing Retroblitz Tank Leader (the Chart)
Note: When playing on Panzerblitz maps, this chart replaces the
standard EFTL chart sheet and together with the situation cards
contains all the information that you need to play the PB scenarios.
Optional counters for playing the Panzerblitz scenarios
All the PB scenario descriptions above were designed with the
standard EFTL countersheet in mind and I made minor adjustments to the
OOBs to accommodate that. However, for those who don't mind mounting
their own counters, I have provided the set of additional counters
that will enable you to play with all unit types that occur in the
standard Panzerblitz scenarios. All the sheets are available as PNG
images in 200 and 300 DPI resolution. (I'd have preferred PDF's but
have no good way of generating good quality PDFs that are not of
monstrous size.)
- Standard black silhouettes to match the EFTL counter style:
- Colour icons to match the full colour EFTL counters below:
- Colour icons with Panzerblitz scale movement and range values to match the full colour Panzerblitz scale EFTL counters below:
For people who prefer to play on Tank Leader scale maps, below are the
three original PB maps converted to Tank Leader hex scale. They can be
downloaded using either a PB-style colour scheme, or a more
naturalistic colour scheme (a reduced size version of map 1 is shown
below, in both versions). Be aware that these need quite a bit of
table space, they measure roughly 34.5"x12" each (not my choice, this
is simply what the scales and PB map size dictate).

Webpage repair in progress from here on
I have provided two sets of sheets. One set simply is a full
colour replica of the original EFTL counters (this set is also
available in a vehicles-only version for those who just want the colour vehicle icons but are happy to continue playing with the original EFTL infantry and weapons counters). The other
set is for the
people who want to play the Panzerblitz scenarios on the Panzerblitz
maps and consider mapping the movement and range values to Panzerblitz
scale (using the table on the chart sheet) too much of a hassle. The
counters come with movement and range values reconfigured to
Panzerblitz scale.
Note that the full countersheets have been shown to have a number of minor errata; the versions sold by Kerry Anderson have had them corrected. The versions below will be corrected if I get around to it.
Countersheet 1, Front
Countersheet 1, Back
Countersheet 2, Front
Countersheet 2, Back
Only available in 300 DPI. Since there are currently no converted Panzer Leader scenarios, there is also one set of counter values. I have provided two versions of the reverse side of the countersheet: one has the attack values in faded down tones, one omits them altogether.
Only available in 300 DPI. Since there are no Panzerblitz
compatibility issues here, there is also one set of counter values. I have provided two versions of the reverse side of the countersheet: one has the attack values in faded down tones, one omits them altogether.
Solitaire chit/card system description, the chits. Note: If not registered on consimworld.com, press "Guest Access" button.
These pictures show my 3D versions of the EFTL map
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Last modified 18.10.2023