Publications @ DBAI: 2001

M. Baaz, A. Ciabattoni, N. Preining, and H. Veith. An overview of quantified gödel logic. In Workshop on Theory and Applications of Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF), 2001.

Francesco Buccafurri, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, and Nicola Leone. On ACTL formulas having linear counterexamples. JCSS, 62(3):463-515, 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. Declarative information extraction, web crawling and recursive wrapping with Lixto. In Proc. of LPNMR, pages 21-41, 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. The Elog web extraction language. In Proc. of LPAR, pages 548-560, 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. The lixto wrapper generation tool (extended abstract). In Proceedings Italian Advanced Database Systems (SEBD), 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. Supervised wrapper generation with Lixto. In Proc. of VLDB (Demonstration Session), pages 715-716, 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. Visual web information extraction with Lixto. In Proc. of VLDB, pages 119-128, 2001.

R. Baumgartner, S. Flesca, and G. Gottlob. Visual web information extraction with Lixto. In Proc. of Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation Workshop, Victoria B.C., Canada, 2001.

Matthias Baaz, Petr Hajék, Franco Montagna, and Helmut Veith. Complexity of t-norms. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 113(1-3):3-11, 2001.

Alexis Campailla, Sagar Chaki, Edmund Clarke, Somesh Jha, and Helmut Veith. Efficient filtering in publish-subscribe systems using binary decision diagrams. In Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2001.

Pankaj Chauhan, Edmund M. Clarke, Somesh Jha, Jim Kukula, Tom Shiple, Helmut Veith, and Dong Wang. Non-linear quantification scheduling in image computation. In Proceedings of ICCAD'01, pages 293-298, nov 2001.

Pankaj Chauhan, Edmund M. Clarke, Somesh Jha, Jim Kukula, Helmut Veith, and Dong Wang. Using combinatorial optimization methods for quantification scheduling. In Tiziana Margaria and Tom Melham, editors, Proceedings of CHARME'01, volume 2144 of LNCS, pages 293-309, sep 2001.

Marco Cadoli, Thomas Eiter, and Georg Gottlob. Complexity of nested circumscription and abnormality theories. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 169-174, Seattle, WA, August 2001.

Francesco Calimeri, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Simona Perri, and Gerald Pfeifer. DLV - Declarative Problem Solving using Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence AI*IA 2001, Bari, Italy, 2001.

Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Helmut Veith. Progress on the state explosion problem in model checking. In Proc. 10 Years Dagstuhl, LNCS 2000, pages 154-169, 2001.

E. Clarke, S. Jha, Y. Lu, and H. Veith. Counterexamples in model checking. In Logic Colloquium, 2001.

S. Craver and S. Katzenbeisser. Copyright protection protocols based on asymmetric watermarking. In R. Steinmetz, J. Dittmann, and M. Steinebach, editors, Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Communication and Multimedia Security (CMS'01), pages 159-170. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

S. Craver and S. Katzenbeisser. Security analysis of public-key watermarking schemes. In M. Schmalz, editor, Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption IV, volume 4475 of Proceedings of the SPIE, pages 172-182, July 2001.

Evgeny Dantsin, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, and Andrei Voronkov. Complexity and expressive power of logic programming. ACM Computing Surveys, 33(3):374-425, 2001.

Tina Dell'Armi, Wolfgang Faber, Giuseppe Ielpa, Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Simona Perri, and Gerald Pfeifer. System Description: DLV. In Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, and Mirosl aw Truszczynski, editors, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning --- 6th International Conference, LPNMR'01, Vienna, Austria, September 2001, Proceedings, number 2173 in LNAI, pages 409-412. Springer Verlag, September 2001.

Jürgen Dorn. Modellbasiertes qualitätsmanagement. In Proceedings der 2. Österreichischen Technologie-Transfer-Tage, Montanuniversität Leoben, 2001.

Jürgen Dorn, Anna Prianichnikova, and Johannes Reisinger. Heuristische Konfiguration und Scheduling für Echtzeitsysteme. e & i, pages 354-359, 2001.

Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer, and Axel Polleres. System Description: The DLV cal K Planning System. In Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, and Mirosl aw Truszczynski, editors, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning --- 6th International Conference, LPNMR'01, Vienna, Austria, September 2001, Proceedings, number 2173 in LNAI, pages 413-416. Springer Verlag, September 2001.

Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer, and Axel Polleres. The DLV cal K Planning System. In Alessandro Cimatti, Hector Geffner, Enrico Giunchiglia, and Jussi Rintanen, editors, IJCAI-01 Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information, pages 76-81, August 2001.

Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer. Computing Preferred and Weakly Preferred Answer Sets by Meta-Interpretation in Answer Set Programming. In Alessandro Provetti and Son Tran Cao, editors, Proceedings AAAI 2001 Spring Symposium on Answer Set Programming: Towards Efficient and Scalable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, pages 45-52, Stanford, CA, March 2001. AAAI Press.

Ruth Fingerlos, Johannes Gärtner, Nysret Musliu, and Wolfgang Slany. Zyklische Schichtplanung. KI Journal, (2):31-34, May 2001.

Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer. A Comparison of Heuristics for Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 5th Dutch-German Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning Techniques and their Applications (DGNMR 2001), pages 64-75, April 2001.

Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer. Experimenting with Heuristics for Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2001, pages 635-640, Seattle, WA, USA, August 2001. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer. Optimizing the Computation of Heuristics for Answer Set Programming Systems. In Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, and Mirosl aw Truszczynski, editors, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning --- 6th International Conference, LPNMR'01, Vienna, Austria, September 2001, Proceedings, number 2173 in LNAI, pages 288-301. Springer Verlag, September 2001.

Gerhard Fleischanderl, Herwig Schreiner, Thomas Havelka, Markus Stumptner, and Franz Wotawa. DiKe -- A Model-Based Diagnosis Kernel and its Application. In Proceedings of the Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Vienna, Austria, 2001.

G. Gottlob, M. Hutle, S. Katzenbeisser, and F. Wotawa. Computing solutions to heterogeneous constraint networks using hypertree decompositions. Technical Report DBAI-TR-01-DC01. Forschungsbericht fuer Daimler-Chrysler., Institut für Informationssysteme der Technischen Universität Wien, 2001.

Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and Francesco Scarcello. The complexity of acyclic conjunctive queries. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 48:431-498, 2001.

Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and Francesco Scarcello. Hypertree decompositions: A survey. In Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001, 26th International Symposium, MFCS 2001 Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, pages 37-57, Czech Republic, August 2001.

Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and Francesco Scarcello. Robbers, marshals, and guards: Game theoretic and logical characterizations of hypertree width. In Proc. of the PODS 2001, pages 37-57, Santa Barbara, California, USA, May 2001.

Johannes Gärtner, Nysret Musliu, and Wolfgang Slany. Rota: a research project on algorithms for workforce scheduling and shift design optimization. AI Communications: The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence, 14(2):83-92, 2001.

Pilar Gómez, Angela Nebot, Francisco Mugica, and Franz Wotawa. Fuzzy inductive reasoning for the prediction of maximum ozone concentration. In Proceedings 13th European Simulation Symposium (ESS-2001) -- Special Session on Modelling and Simulation in Ecology, Biology, and Environment, Marseilles, France, October 2001.

Georg Gottlob and Reinhard Pichler. Hypergraphs in model checking: Acyclicity and hypertree-width versus clique-width. In Automata, Languages and Programming, 28th International Colloquium, ICALP 2001, Crete, Greece, July 8-12, 2001, Proceedings, pages 708-719, Heraklion, Greece, 2001.

Marcus Herzog and Georg Gottlob. Infopipes: A Flexible Framework for M-Commerce Applications. In F. Casati, D. Georgakopoulos, and M.-C. Shan, editors, Technologies for E-Services, TES 2001, pages 175 -- 186, Roma, Italy, September 2001. Springer (LNCS 2193). In conjuntion with VLDB' 01.

Frank Harary, Wolfgang Slany, and Oleg Verbitsky. A symmetric strategy in graph avoidance games. In Richard J. Nowakowski, editor, Proceedings of MSRI-CGTR'2000, the 2nd Combinatorial Game Theory Research Workshop at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

S. Katzenbeisser. On the design of copyright protection protocols for multimedia distribution using symmetric and public-key watermarking. In 12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Fifth International Query Processing and Multimedia Issues in Distributed Systems Workshop (QPMIDS'2001), pages 815-819. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.

S. Katzenbeisser. Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography, volume 3 of Advances in Information Security. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001.

S. Katzenbeisser and P. Tomsich. Applied information security for m-commerce and digital television environments. In K. Bauknecht, S. Madria, and G. Pernul, editors, Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, Second International Conference, Proceedings, volume 2115 of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 166-175. Springer Verlag, 2001.

S. Katzenbeisser and P. Tomsich. Jahrbuch der Rechtsinformatik 2001 - Intelligente Agenten, XML, Bürgercard, chapter Digitale Wasserzeichen für den Urheberrechtsschutz. Verlag Österreich, 2001.

Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, and Wolfgang Slany. Local search for shift design. Technical Report DBAI-TR-2000-45. Forschungsbericht fuer XIMES., Institut für Informationssysteme der Technischen Universität Wien, 2001.

Nysret Musliu, Andrea Schaerf, and Wolfgang Slany. Local search for shift design. In J.P. de Sousa, editor, Proc. MIC'2001 --- 4th Metaheuristics Int. Conf., pages 465-470, Porto, Portugal, July 2001.

Anna Prianichnikova. Off-line scheduling for a communication system in air traffic control (abstract). In Fifth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, 2001.

Jochen Renz. A spatial odyssey of the interval algebra: 1.directed intervals. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 51-56, Seattle, WA, August 2001.

Jochen Renz and Bernhard Nebel. Efficient methods for qualitative spatial reasoning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 15:289-318, 2001.

Wolfgang Slany. The complexity of graph Ramsey games. In Tony Marsland and Ian Frank, editors, Computer and Games: Revised papers of the Second International Conference , CG2000, Hamamatsu, Japan, October 2000, volume 2063 of LNCS, pages 186-203. Springer, 2001.

Wolfgang Slany. Evolutionary computing for shift scheduling and other combinatorial optimization problems (invited paper). In Problems in Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence (Vol. 3, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Computing (EC2001)), pages 113-118, Puerto De La Cruz, Spain, February 2001.

Wolfgang Slany, Nysret Musliu, Guy Kortsarz, and Johannes Gärtner. Theory and practice of shift scheduling (invited paper). RIMS Kokyuroku of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 1185:172-181, 2000 (appeared 2001).

Markus Stumptner and Franz Wotawa. Diagnosing tree-structured systems. Artificial Intelligence, 127(1):1-29, 2001.

Markus Stumptner, Dominik Wieland, and Franz Wotawa. Analysing Models for Software Debugging. In DX01, Sansicario, Italy, 2001.

Markus Stumptner, Dominik Wieland, and Franz Wotawa. Comparing Two Models for Software Debugging. In Proceedings of the Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Vienna, Austria, 2001.

Franz Wotawa. Der öGAI Preis. OeGAI, 20(3), 2001.

Franz Wotawa. On the Relationship between Model-based Debugging and Programm Mutation. In DX01, Sansicario, Italy, 2001.

Franz Wotawa. Using Multiple Models for Debugging VHDL Designs. In IEAAIE, Budapest, Hungary, 2001. LNCS Springer Verlag.

Franz Wotawa. A Variant of Reiter's Hitting-Set Algorithm. Information Processing Letters, 79(1):45-51, 2001.

Franz Wotawa and Markus Stumptner. Modellbasierte Diagnose -- überblick und technische Anwendung. ÖVE Verbandszeitschrift Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (e&i), (7/8), 2001.

Franz Wotawa and Gerhard Wotawa. Deriving Qualitative Rules from Neural Networks -- A Case Study for Ozone Forecasting. AI Communications, 14(1), 2001.