Publications @ DBAI: 1999
- [AFR+99]
- Thomas Albrecht, Gerhard Friedrich,
Stefan Rohringer, Markus Stumptner, and Franz Wotawa.
The Design Diagnosis of VHDL Specificiations Project (DDV) -
Fault Localization in Hardware Designs.
Journal of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence,
- [BCFV99]
- Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni,
Christian Fermüller, and Helmut Veith.
Undecidability of some sub-classical first-order logics: Urquhart's C and
related logics.
In Proc. Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and
Theoretical Computer Science (FST&TCS '99), volume 1738 of
LNCS. Springer, 1999.
- [BEGL99a]
- Francesco Buccafurri, Thomas Eiter,
Georg Gottlob, and Nicola Leone.
Applying abduction techniques to verification.
In Jack Minker, editor, Workshop on Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, DC, June 14-16, 1999, College Park, Maryland, 1999.
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland.
Workshop Notes.
- [BEGL99b]
- Francesco Buccafurri, Thomas Eiter,
Georg Gottlob, and Nicola Leone.
Enhancing model checking in verification by ai techniques.
Artificial Intelligence, 112(1-2):57-104, 1999.
- [BFL99]
- Francesco Buccafurri, Wolfgang
Faber, and Nicola Leone.
Disjunctive Logic Programs with Inheritance.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Logic Programming
(ICLP '99), Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, November 1999.
- [BG99]
- Robert Baumgartner and Georg Gottlob.
On the
Complexity of Model Checking for Propositional Default Logics:
New Results and Tractable Cases.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 99, Stockholm, 1999.
- [BLR99]
- Francesco Buccafurri, Nicola Leone,
and Pasquale Rullo.
Semantics and expressiveness of disjunctive ordered logic.
In Jürgen Dix and Jorge Lobo, editors, Special Issue on Logic
Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, volume 25 (3,4) of
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, pages 311 --
337. Baltzer Publishers, 1999.
- [BV99a]
- Matthias Baaz and Helmut Veith.
Interpolation in fuzzy logic.
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 38(7):461-489, 1999.
- [BV99b]
- Matthias Baaz and Helmut Veith.
Quantifier elimination in fuzzy logic.
In Proceedings Computer Science Logic (CSL), volume 1584 of
LNCS, pages 399-414. Springer, 1999.
- [DG99]
- Jürgen Dorn and Georg Gottlob.
Künstliche Intelligenz.
In P. Rechenberg und G. Pomberger, editor, Informatik-Handbuch,
pages 975-998. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1999.
2. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage.
- [Dor99a]
- Jürgen Dorn.
The Déjà Vu scheduling class library.
In Fayad, Schmidt, and Johnson, editors, Implementing Application
Frameworks, pages 521-540. Wiley, 1999.
- [Dor99b]
- Jürgen Dorn.
Management and optimization of multiple supply chains.
In Mertins et al., editor, Global Production Management, pages
144-151, Berlin, September 1999. Chapman & Hall.
- [Dor99c]
- Jürgen Dorn.
Produkt-orientierte Softwareentwicklung mit Application Frameworks am
Beispiel der Déjà Vu Klassenbibliothek.
e & i, 116(3):186-190, 1999.
- [Dor99d]
- Jürgen Dorn.
Towards reusable intelligent scheduling software.
In F. Puppe, editor, Proceedings of XPS-99: Knowledge-based
Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1570, pages
101-112, Würzburg, March 1999. Springer.
- [DPS+99]
- Jürgen Dorn, Anna Prianichnikova,
Markus Stumptner, Helmut Veith, Johannes Reisinger, and Ralf Schlatterbeck.
Multiprocessor scheduling using the Déjà Vu scheduling class
ÖGAI Journal, 1999(4):16-25, 1999.
- [EFG+99]
- T. Eiter, W. Faber, G. Gottlob, C. Koch,
N. Leone, C. Mateis, G. Pfeifer, and F. Scarcello.
The DLV system.
In Jack Minker, editor, Workshop on Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, DC, June 14-16, 1999, College Park, Maryland, 1999.
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland.
Workshop Notes.
- [EFLP99]
- Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber,
Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer.
The Diagnosis Frontend of the dlv System.
AI Communications -- The European Journal on Artificial
Intelligence, 12(1-2):99-111, 1999.
- [EGV99]
- Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, and
Helmut Veith.
Generalized Quantifiers in Logic Programs.
In J. Väänänen, editor, Proceedings of the ESSLLI Workshop on
Generalized Quantifiers, Aix-en-Provence, volume 1754 of
LNCS. Springer, 1999.
- [ELP99]
- T. Eiter, N. Leone, and D. Pearce.
Answer Sets for Extended Logic Programs.
In Jelle Gerbrandy, Maarten Marx, Maarten de Rijke, and Yde Venema, editors,
JFAK. Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the Occasion of his
50th Birthday. Amsterdam University Press, 1999.
ISBN 90 5629 104 1.
- [FFH+99]
- Gerhard Fleischanderl, Gerhard Friedrich,
Alois Haselböck, Herwig Schreiner, and Markus Stumptner.
Reduktion von Entwicklungskosten durch wissenbasierte Konfiguration.
ÖGAI-Journal, 18(1), 1999.
- [FFJS99]
- Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich,
Dietmar Jannach, and Markus Stumptner.
Consistency based diagnosis of configuration knowledge-bases.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Principles of
Diagnosis (DX-99), Loch Awe, June 1999.
- [FLMP99]
- Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone,
Cristinel Mateis, and Gerald Pfeifer.
Using Database Optimization Techniques for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Deductive Databases
and Logic Programming (DDLP'99), pages 135-139, September 1999.
- [FLP99a]
- Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone,
and Gerald Pfeifer.
dlv: a dlp system for ai.
In Sixth Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
(AIIA '99), September 1999.
- [FLP99b]
- Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, and
Gerald Pfeifer.
Pushing Goal Derivation in DLP Computations.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic Programming
and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR'99), Lecture Notes in AI (LNAI),
pages 177-191, El Paso, Texas, USA, December 1999. Springer Verlag.
- [FSW99]
- Gerhard Friedrich, Markus Stumptner, and
Franz Wotawa.
Model-based diagnosis of hardware designs.
Artificial Intelligence, 111(2):3-39, July 1999.
- [GGV99]
- Georg Gottlob, Erich Grädel, and
Helmut Veith.
Datalog LITE: Temporal versus deductive reasoning in verification.
In Jack Minker, editor, Workshop on Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, DC, June 14-16, 1999, College Park, Maryland, 1999.
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland.
- [Gir99]
- Mario Girsch.
Requirements Of Reactive Scheduling Systems.
In F. Puppe et al., editor, Proceedings of the 5th German Conference on
Knowledge-Based Systems (XPS-99), pages 98-106, Würzburg, Germany,
March 1999.
- [GLS99a]
- G. Gottlob, N. Leone, and F. Scarcello.
Computing LOGCFL certificates.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICALP99: Automata, Languages and
Programming, 26th International Colloquium, Prague), 1644:361-371,
- [GLS99b]
- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and
Francesco Scarcello.
A comparison of structural csp decomposition methods.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 99, Stockholm, pages 394-399, 1999.
- [GLS99c]
- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and
Francesco Scarcello.
Hypertree decompositions and tractable queries.
In PODS 99: Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART
Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, May 31 - June 2, 1999,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pages 21-32. ACM Press, 1999.
- [GLS99d]
- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and
Francesco Scarcello.
On the complexity of some inductive logic programming problems.
New Generation Computing, 17(1):53-75, 1999.
- [GLS99e]
- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and
Francesco Scarcello.
On tractable queries and constraints.
In Database and Expert Systems Applications, 10th International
Conference, DEXA '99, Florence, pages 1-15, 1999.
- [GLV99]
- Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, and Helmut
Succinctness as a source of complexity in logical formalisms.
ANNALSPAL: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 97, 1999.
- [Got99]
- Georg Gottlob.
Review of a carnapian extension of s5.
In Ewa Orlowska, editor, Logic at Work. Physica (Springer), 1999.
ISBN 3-7908-1164-5.
- [GP99a]
- Georg Gottlob and Christos H.
On the complexity of single-rule datalog queries.
In Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, 6th International
Conference, LPAR'99, Tbilisi, Georgia, pages 201-222, 1999.
- [GP99b]
- Georg Gottlob and Reinhard Pichler.
Working with arms: Complexity results on atomic representations of herbrand
In LICS: 14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 2-5
July, 1999, Trento, Italy. IEEE Computer Society, 1999, pages
306-315, 1999.
- [GSS99]
- Georg Gottlob, Francesco Scarcello, and
Martha Sideri.
Fixed-parameter complexity in ai and nonmonotonic reasoning.
In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 5th International
Conference, LPNMR'99, El Paso, Texas, USA, pages 1-18, 1999.
- [HP99]
- Marcus Herzog and Riccardo Peratello.
Integrating digital archives and multimedia production tools.
In Jean-Yves Roger, Brian Stanford-Smith, and Paul T. Kidd, editors,
Business and Work in the Information Society: New Technologies and
Applications, pages 375 -- 381. IOS Press/Ohmsha, 1999.
- [KL99]
- Christoph Koch and Nicola Leone.
Stable model checking made easy.
In The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
1999, pages 70-75, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.
- [Mat99]
- Cristinel Mateis.
Extending Disjunctive Logic Programming by T-norms.
In Michael Gelfond, Nicola Leone, and Gerald Pfeifer, editors,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic Programming
and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR '99), number 1730 in LNAI, pages
290-304, El Paso, USA, 1999. Springer.
- [MG99]
- Gerald Pfeifer Michael Gelfond,
Nicola Leone, editor.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic Programming and
Nonmonotonic Reasoning -- LPNMR'99.
LNCS. Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- [MSW99]
- Cristinel Mateis, Markus Stumptner, and
Franz Wotawa.
Debugging of Java Programs using a Model-Based Approach.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Principles of
Diagnosis (DX-99), Loch Awe, Scotland, 1999.
- [NL99a]
- Domenico Sacca` Nicola Leone,
Luigi Palopoli.
On the complexity of search queries.
In T. Ripke e K.D. Schewe T. Polle, editor, Fundamentals of Information
Systems, pages 113-127. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
- [NL99b]
- Pasquale Rullo Nicola Leone,
Simona Perri.
Utilizzo di tecniche di ai per la programmazione logica disgiuntiva.
In Sixth Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
(AIIA '99), Bologna, Italy, September 1999.
- [PW99]
- Christian Piccardi and Franz Wotawa.
Towards a framework for mobile diagnosis agents.
In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Conference on
Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert
Systems (IEAAIE-99), 1999.
- [Sla99]
- Wolfgang Slany.
The graph Ramsey achievement game is PSPACE-complete.
In A. Sali, M. Simonovits, and V.T. Sós, editors, Research
Communications of the conference held in memory of Paul Erd H os
(ERD H OS'99), pages 231-235, Budapest, July 1999. János Bolyai
Mathematical Society.
- [SW99a]
- Markus Stumptner and Franz Wotawa.
Debugging Functional Programs.
In Proceedings 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI-99), Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.
- [SW99b]
- Markus Stumptner and Franz Wotawa.
Detecting and locating faults in hardware designs.
In AAAI 99 Workshop on Intelligent Software Engineering, Orlando,
Florida, 1999.
- [SW99c]
- Markus Stumptner and Franz Wotawa.
Jade -- java diagnosis experiments -- status and outlook.
In IJCAI '99 Workshop on Qualitative and Model Based Reasoning for
Complex Systems and their Control, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999.
- [SW99d]
- Markus Stumptner and Franz Wotawa.
Reconfiguration using model-based diagnosis.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Principles of
Diagnosis (DX-99), Loch Awe, Scotland, 1999.
- [WMA+99]
- S. Wahl, N. Muslija, R. Angelova,
W. Slany, G. Herber, and M. Janke.
Shiftplanassistant 4.0 -- state of development.
Shiftwork International Newsletter, 16(2):124, September 1999.
Abstract presented at the XIV International Symposium on Night and Shiftwork,
September 13-17, 1999, Wiesensteig, Germany.
- [Wot99a]
- Franz Wotawa.
Debugging synthesizeable VHDL Programs.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Principles of
Diagnosis (DX-99), 1999.
- [Wot99b]
- Franz Wotawa.
Guest--Editorial Special Issue on Model-Based Reasoning.
AI Communications, 12(1/2), 1999.
- [Wot99c]
- Franz Wotawa.
New Directions in Debugging Hardware Designs.
In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Conference on
Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert
Systems (IEAAIE-99), 1999.
- [WW99]
- Dominik Wieland and Franz Wotawa.
Local Maximum Ozone Concentration Prediction Using Neural
In AAAI-99 Workshop on Environmental Decision Support Systems and
Artificial Intelligence (W7), 1999.
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