package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; atm OneDimensionalCellularAutomata (char[] cells, int cell, char finalstate, int T,Byte r, Map<List<Character>,Character> rphi) { List<Character> parents; int t=T; int position=cell; char caState=finalstate; //look for rules deriving the state state ExistsState { if (t==0) { if (position>=0 && position<cells.length) { if (caState==cells[position]){ accept; } else { reject; } } else { if (caState=='b'){ accept; } else { reject; } } } exists{ for (Map.Entry<List<Character>,Character> hilf : rphi.entrySet()){ if(hilf.getValue().equals(caState)) { ForallState{ parents=hilf.getKey(); } } } } } //check preconditions for the selected rule state ForallState { t--; forall { for (int i=0 ; i<=2*r; i++){ ExistsState{ position=position-r+i; caState=parents.get(i); } } } } }