G.1 Joins

Joins, which combine data from multiple sources into a single result, are a very important type of query. In this section we will illustrate how several types of joins can be expressed in XQuery. We will base our examples on the following three documents:

  1. A document named parts.xml that contains many part elements; each part element in turn contains partno and description subelements.

  2. A document named suppliers.xml that contains many supplier elements; each supplier element in turn contains suppno and suppname subelements.

  3. A document named catalog.xml that contains information about the relationships between suppliers and parts. The catalog document contains many item elements, each of which in turn contains partno, suppno, and price subelements.

A conventional ("inner") join returns information from two or more related sources, as illustrated by the following example, which combines information from three documents. The example generates a "descriptive catalog" derived from the catalog document, but containing part descriptions instead of part numbers and supplier names instead of supplier numbers. The new catalog is ordered alphabetically by part description and secondarily by supplier name.

     for $i in fn:doc("catalog.xml")//item,
         $p in fn:doc("parts.xml")//part[partno = $i/partno],
         $s in fn:doc("suppliers.xml")//supplier[suppno = $i/suppno]
     order by $p/description, $s/suppname

The previous query returns information only about parts that have suppliers and suppliers that have parts. An outer join is a join that preserves information from one or more of the participating sources, including elements that have no matching element in the other source. For example, a left outer join between suppliers and parts might return information about suppliers that have no matching parts.

The following query demonstrates a left outer join. It returns names of all the suppliers in alphabetic order, including those that supply no parts. In the result, each supplier element contains the descriptions of all the parts it supplies, in alphabetic order.

for $s in fn:doc("suppliers.xml")//supplier
order by $s/suppname
        for $i in fn:doc("catalog.xml")//item
                 [suppno = $s/suppno],
            $p in fn:doc("parts.xml")//part
                 [partno = $i/pno]
        order by $p/description
        return $p/description 

The previous query preserves information about suppliers that supply no parts. Another type of join, called a full outer join, might be used to preserve information about both suppliers that supply no parts and parts that have no supplier. The result of a full outer join can be structured in any of several ways. The following query generates a list of supplier elements, each containing nested part elements for the parts that it supplies (if any), followed by a list of part elements for the parts that have no supplier. This might be thought of as a "supplier-centered" full outer join. Other forms of outer join queries are also possible.

    for $s in fn:doc("suppliers.xml")//supplier
    order by $s/suppname
             for $i in fn:doc("catalog.xml")//item
                     [suppno = $s/suppno],
                 $p in fn:doc("parts.xml")//part
                     [partno = $i/partno]
             order by $p/description
    (: parts that have no supplier :)
       { for $p in fn:doc("parts.xml")//part
         where fn:empty(fn:doc("catalog.xml")//item
               [partno = $p/partno] )
         order by $p/description
         return $p/description 

The previous query uses an element constructor to enclose its output inside a master-list element. The concatenation operator (",") is used to combine the two main parts of the query. The result is an ordered sequence of supplier elements followed by an orphan-parts element that contains descriptions of all the parts that have no supplier.

G.2 Grouping

Many queries involve forming data into groups and applying some aggregation function such as fn:count or fn:avg to each group. The following example shows how such a query might be expressed in XQuery, using the catalog document defined in the previous section.

This query finds the part number and average price for parts that have at least 3 suppliers.

for $pn in fn:distinct-values(fn:doc("catalog.xml")//partno)
let $i := fn:doc("catalog.xml")//item[partno = $pn]
where fn:count($i) >= 3
order by $pn
      <partno> {$p} </partno>
      <avgprice> {fn:avg($i/price)} </avgprice>

The fn:distinct-values function in this query eliminates duplicate part numbers from the set of all part numbers in the catalog document. The result of fn:distinct-values is a sequence in which order is not significant.

Note that $pn, bound by a for clause, represents an individual part number, whereas $i, bound by a let clause, represents a set of items which serves as argument to the aggregate functions fn:count($i) and fn:avg($i/price). The query uses an element constructor to enclose each part number and average price in a containing element called well-supplied-item.

The method illustrated above generalizes easily to grouping by more than one data value. For example, consider a census document containing a sequence of person elements, each with subelements named state, job, and income. A census analyst might need to prepare a report listing the average income for each combination of state and job. This report might be produced using the following query:

for $s in fn:distinct-values(fn:doc("census.xml")//state),
    $j in fn:distinct-values(fn:doc("census.xml")//job)
let $p := fn:doc("census.xml")//person[state = $s and job = $j]
order by $s, $j
   if (fn:exists($p)) then
         <state> {$s} </state>
         <job> {$j} </job>
         <avgincome> {fn:avg($p/income)} </avgincome>
   else ()

The if-then-else expression in the above example prevents generation of groups that contain no data. For example, the census data may contain some persons who live in Nebraska, and some persons whose job is Deep Sea Fisherman, but no persons who live in Nebraska and have the job of Deep Sea Fisherman. If output groups are desired for all possible combinations of states and jobs, the if-then-else expression can be omitted from the query. In this case, the output may include "empty" groups such as the following:

   <job>Deep Sea Fisherman</state>

G.3 Queries on Sequence

XQuery uses the << and >> operators to compare nodes based on document order. Although these operators are quite simple, they can be used to express complex queries for XML documents in which sequence is meaningful. The first two queries in this section involve a surgical report that contains procedure, incision, instrument, action, and anesthesia elements.

The following query returns all the action elements that occur between the first and second incision elements inside the first procedure. The original document order among these nodes is preserved in the result of the query.

let $proc := //procedure[1]
for $i in $proc//action
where $i >> ($proc//incision)[1]
   and $i << ($proc//incision)[2]
return $i

It is worth noting here that document order is defined in such a way that a node is considered to precede its descendants in document order. In the surgical report, an action is never part of an incision, but an instrument is. Since the >> operator is based on document order, the predicate $i >> ($proc//incision)[1] is true for any instrument element that is a descendant of the first incision element in the first procedure.

For some queries, it may be helpful to define a function that can test whether a node precedes another node without being its ancestor. The following function returns true if its first operand precedes its second operand but is not an ancestor of its second operand; otherwise it returns false:

declare function local:precedes($a as node(), $b as node()) 
   as boolean
      $a << $b
      fn:empty($a//node() intersect $b) 

Similarly, a local:follows function could be written:

declare function local:follows($a as node(), $b as node()) 
   as boolean
      $a >> $b
      fn:empty($b//node() intersect $a) 

Using the local:precedes function, we can write a query that finds instrument elements between the first two incisions, excluding from the query result any instrument that is a descendant of the first incision:

let $proc := //procedure[1]
for $i in $proc//instrument
where local:precedes(($proc//incision)[1], $i)
   and local:precedes($i, ($proc//incision)[2])
return $i

The following query reports incisions for which no prior anesthesia was recorded in the surgical report. Since an anesthesia is never part of an incision, we can use << instead of the less-efficient local:precedes function:

for $proc in //procedure
where some $i in $proc//incision satisfies
         fn:empty($proc//anesthesia[. << $i])
return $proc

In some documents, particular sequences of elements may indicate a logical hierarchy. This is most commonly true of HTML. The following query returns the introduction of an XHTML document, wrapping it in a div element. In this example, we assume that an h2 element containing the text "Introduction" marks the beginning of the introduction, and the introduction continues until the next h2 or h1 element, or the end of the document, whichever comes first.

let $intro := //h2[text()="Introduction"],
    $next-h := //(h1|h2)[. >> $intro][1]
       if (fn:empty($next-h))
         then //node()[. >> $intro]
         else //node()[. >> $intro and . << $next-h]

Note that the above query makes explicit the hierarchy that was implicit in the original document. In this example, we assume that the h2 element containing the text "Introduction" has no subelements.

G.4 Recursive Transformations

Occasionally it is necessary to scan over a hierarchy of elements, applying some transformation at each level of the hierarchy. In XQuery this can be accomplished by defining a recursive function. In this section we will present two examples of such recursive functions.

Suppose that we need to compute a table of contents for a given document by scanning over the document, retaining only elements named section or title, and preserving the hierarchical relationships among these elements. For each section, we retain subelements named section or title; but for each title, we retain the full content of the element. This might be accomplished by the following recursive function:

declare function local:sections-and-titles($n as node()) as node()?
   if (fn:local-name($n) = "section")
   then element
          { fn:local-name($n) }
          { for $c in $n/* return local:sections-and-titles($c) }
   else if (fn:local-name($n) = "title")
   then $n
   else ( )

The "skeleton" of a given document, containing only its sections and titles, can then be obtained by invoking the local:sections-and-titles function on the root node of the document, as follows:


As another example of a recursive transformation, suppose that we wish to scan over a document, transforming every attribute named color to an element named color, and every element named size to an attribute named size. This can be accomplished by the following recursive function:

declare function local:swizzle($n as node()) as node() 
     case $a as attribute(color, *)
       return element color { fn:string($a) } 
     case $es as element(size, *) 
       return attribute size { fn:string($es) } 
     case $e as element() 
       return element 
         { fn:local-name($e) } 
         { for $c in $e/(* | @*) return local:swizzle($c) } 
     case $d as document-node() 
       return document 
         { for $c in $d/* return local:swizzle($c) } 
     default return $n 

The transformation can be applied to a whole document by invoking the local:swizzle function on the root node of the document, as follows:


G.5 Selecting Distinct Combinations

It is sometimes necessary to search through a set of data to find all the distinct combinations of a given list of properties. For example, an input data set might consist of a large set of order elements, each of which has the same basic structure, as illustrated by the following example:

   <product>Dress Shirt</product>
   <supplier>Fashion Trends</supplier>

From this data set, a user might wish to find all the distinct combinations of product, size, and color that occur together in an order. The following query returns this list, enclosing each distinct combination in a new element named option:

for $p in fn:distinct-values(//product),
    $s in fn:distinct-values(//size),
    $c in fn:distinct-values(//color)
    order by $p, $s, $c
       if (fn:exists(//order[product eq $p
                and size eq $s and color eq $c]))
       else ()